E-reprint of published paper available upon request.
📄 Pioon, J., Petrot, N. & Nimana, N. (2024). Convergence of distributed approximate subgradient method for minimizing convex function with convex functional constraints. AIMS Mathematics, 9, 19154–19175. [PDF]
📄 Rakjarungkiat, D. & Nimana, N. (2024). An extrapolated fixed-point optimization method for strongly convex smooth optimizations. AIMS Mathematics, 9, 4259–4280. [PDF]
📄 Nimana, N. & Artsawang, N. (2024). A strongly convergent simultaneous cutter method for finding the minimal norm solution to common fixed point problem. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 40, 155–171. [PDF]
📄 Arunrat, T., Namsak, S. & Nimana, N. (2023). An asynchronous subgradient-proximal method for solving additive convex optimization problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, 69, 3911–3936. [LINK]
📄 Arunrat, T. & Nimana, N. (2023). A delayed subgradient method for nonsmooth convex-concave min–max optimization problems. Results in Control and Optimization, 12, 100266. [PDF]
📄 Petrot, N., Prangprakhon, M., Promsinchai, P. & Nimana, N. (2023). A Dynamic Distributed Conjugate Gradient Method for Variational Inequality Problem over the Common Fixed-Point Constraints. Numerical Algorithms, 93, 639-668 [LINK]
📄 Namsak, S., Petrot, N. & Nimana, N. (2023). A distributed proximal gradient method with time-varying delays for solving additive convex optimizations. Results in Applied Mathematics, 18, 100370 [PDF]
📄 Buakird, A., Nimana, N., Petrot, N. & Promsinchai, P. (2022). A Halpern’s Mean Subgradient Extragradient Method for Solving Variational Inequalities. Nonlinear Convex Analysis and Optimization, 1(2), 177-191. [PDF]
📄 Prangprakhon, M., Feesantia, T. & Nimana, N. (2022). An Adaptive Projection Gradient Method for Solving Nonlinear Fractional Programming. Fractal and Fractional, 6(10), 566. [PDF]
📄 Promsinchai, P. & Nimana, N. (2022). A Subgradient-Type Extrapolation Cyclic Method for Solving an Equilibrium Problem over the Common Fixed-Point Sets, Symmetry, 14(5), 992. [PDF]
📄 Ekkarntrong, N., Arunrat, T. & Nimana, N. (2021). Convergence of a Distributed Method for Minimizing Sum of Convex Functions with Fixed Point Constraints, Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2021:197. [PDF]
📄 Nimana, N., Paeko, T. & Petrot, N. (2021). A relaxed hybrid steepest descent method for solving strongly convex minmization problem via conjugate gradient direction. Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, 7(2), 285-299. [PDF]
📄 Nimana, N. & Petrot, N. (2021). Star subgradient projection for solving quasi-convex feasibility problems, RIMS Kokyuroku, 2190, 107-115. [PDF]
📄 Prangprakhon, M. & Nimana, N. (2021). Extrapolated Sequential Constraint Method for Variational Inequality over the Intersection of Fixed-Point Sets. Numerical Algorithms, 88, 1051–1075. [LINK]
📄 Petrot, N. & Nimana, N. (2021). Incremental proximal gradient scheme with penalization for constrained composite convex optimization problems. Optimization, 70(5-6), 1307-1336. [LINK]
📄 Buakird, A., Nimana, N. & Petrot, N. (2021). A Mean Extragradient Method for Solving Variational Inequalities. Symmetry, 13(3), 462. [PDF]
📄 Nimana, N. & Petrot, N. (2020). Splitting proximal with penalization schemes for additive convex hierarchical minimization problems. Optimization Methods and Software, 35(6), 1098-1118. [LINK]
📄 Prangprakhon, M., Nimana, N. & Petrot, N. (2020). A Sequential Constraint Method for Solving Variational Inequality over the Intersection of Fixed Point Sets, Thai Journal of Mathematics, 18(3), 1105-1123. [PDF]
📄 Nimana, N. (2020). A Fixed-Point Subgradient Splitting Method for Solving Constrained Convex Optimization Problems. Symmetry, 12(3), 377. [PDF]
📄 Nimana, N. & Petrot, N. (2019). Generalized forward-backward splitting with penalization for monotone inclusion problems. Journal of Global Optimization, 73(4), 825-847. [LINK]
📄Cegielski, A. & Nimana, N. (2019). Extrapolated cyclic subgradient projection methods for the convex feasibility problems and their numerical behaviour. Optimization, 68(1), 145-161. [LINK]
📄 Nimana, N. & Petrot, N. (2018). Subgradient algorithm for split hierarchical optimization problem. Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, 34(3), 391-399. [LINK]
📄 Boţ, R. I., Csetnek, E. R. & Nimana, N. (2018). Gradient-type penalty method with inertial effects for solving constrained convex optimization problems with smooth data. Optimization Letters, 12(1), 17-33. [PDF]
📄Boţ, R. I., Csetnek, E. R. & Nimana, N. (2018). An inertial proximal-gradient penalization scheme for constrained convex optimization problems. Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 46(1), 53-71. [PDF]
📄Nimana, N. & Petrot, N. (2016). On Split Feasibility Problems with Zero-convex Representations. Linear and Nonlinear Analysis, 2(1), 113-124. [LINK]
📄Nimana, N., Farajzadeh, A. P. & Petrot, N. (2016). Adaptive Subgradient Method for the Split Quasi-convex Feasibility Problems. Optimization, 65(10), 1885-1898. [LINK]
📄Nimana, N., Niyom, S. & Petrot, N. (2015). Hybrid steepest descent method of one-parameter nonexpansive cosine families for variational inequality problems in Hilbert Spaces. Thai Journal of Mathematics, 13(3), 673-686. [PDF]
📄Ansari, Q. H., Nimana, N. & Petrot, N. (2014). Split hierarchical variational inequality problems and related problems. Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2014:208. [PDF]
📄Nimana, N., Petrot, N. & Saksirikun, W. (2014). Fixed points of set-valued Caristi-type mappings on semi-metric spaces via partial order relations. Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2014:27. [PDF]
📄Wangkeeree, R. & Nimana, N. (2012). Viscosity approximations by the shrinking projection method of quasi-Nonexpansive mappings for generalized equilibrium problems. Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2012, Article ID 235474, 30 pages. [PDF]