Asst.Prof. Dr.Angkana Boonyued

ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.อังคณา บุญยืด

Angkana Boonyued, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Office: SC7314


2007Ph.D. (Mathematics)Chulalongkorn UniversityThailand
2002M.Sc. (Mathematics)Chulalongkorn UniversityThailand
1999B.Sc. (Mathematics)Khon Kaen UniversityThailand

Research Interests

Probability Theory



  • Angkana Boonyued; Wuttichai Srisodaphol; Tammarat Kleebmek; , Group-buying inventory policy with imperfect items under inspection errors, Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(4): 623-632 , 2017
  • Adchara Kumla; Angkana Boonyued; , A non-uniform bound on poisson approximation of the number of subtree of size k in a random binary search tree T_n, Far east journal of mathematics sciences, vol.99 no.11, June 2016, p.1761-1770, 2016
  • Tammarat Kleebmek; Angkana Boonyued; Wuttichai Srisodaphol; , Group-buying inventory policy with demand under Poisson process, Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. , 38 (1), 113-117, Jan. – Feb. 2016., 2016
  • Noppakun Tongmol; Wuttichai Srisodaphol; Angkana Boonyued; , A Bayesian Approach to the One Way ANOVA Under Unequal Variance, Sains Malaysiana, Volume 45, Number 10, October 2016., 2016
  • Tangkanchanawong, C; Boonyued, A; , Error estimation of empty urns model by Stein-Chen method for Poisson approximation, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 77, Issue 5, Pages 695-707 (Q4), 2012
  • Boonyued, A.; Tangkanchanawong, C.; , A Non-uniform Bound on Poisson Approximation of Empty Urn-Model via Stein-Chen Method, International Mathematical Forum, 2012
  • Adchara Kumla; Angkana Boonyued; , A bound on Poisson approximalion of k-Group in strong birong birthdouy problem na k-comyalte graph in a random graph, fas east joumal of Mathematical Scienes, Vol .48.,NO.2 ,2011 P.189-198, 2011